About To Mahila Sashaktikaran India Foundation

Welcome to Mahila Sashaktikaran India Foundation, is charitable social trust, long vision and mission for the society i.e. for the needy child education, health & neutrition even thought we had a humble start with no office, staff member or resources. We moved forward with confidence in the goodness of our people education is both means as well as end to a better life the means because it empower an individual to cash his/her live life hood and because it increase one's awarness on a range of issue from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one's right and the process help him/her evolve as a better citizen.

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Mahila Sashaktikaran India Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women and fostering societal development through digital dissemination, education, advertising, e-commerce, marketing, and more. Specializing in information technology, the society is committed to the development and maintenance of various technologies, software, web-based applications, websites, mobile applications, and networking applications. Our mission extends to providing an international platform for the advancement of the new generation, facilitating their participation in social and economic development initiatives. With a vast network of registered members across India, we leverage social media advertisements to amplify our message and customize content tailored to the needs of NGOs and other relevant stakeholders.

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